Rocky Creek biv to Griffin Creek biv

Rocky Creek and Griffin Creek have a great advantage: they provide the West Coast tramping experience without the need to drive too far from Christchurch. The track to Rocky Creek biv starts at a small…

Nina Valley Campsite with kids

We had originally planned to go to Nina Hut, but, you know, when you walk with kids, you need to be flexible. We started at Palmer Lodge, and it soon became clear that this was…

Packhorse hut with 3 years old

I think this may have been the 4th time for Elliot at Packhorse Hut. It’s hard to tell if he remembers the previous times. This time we had the company of another toddler: Adrian, the…

Kinnebrooks Hut trip

This summer, I’d like to do more hut bagging, so when a trip to this intriguingly sounding hut popped up on the CTC website, I was all in. And I was not the only one…

Family walk to Mt Sugarloaf

This was our fourth tramp for kids and the last day trip for kids in 2023. This wee adventure attracted 13 adults and 14 kids of very young age, typically between 2 and 6 years….

Avalanche Peak to Crow Hut

This classic tramp in Arthur’s Pass usually takes a couple of days to finish. Well, it’s actually not that far, so why not try to do it in a day? Three cars of CTC folks…

Cedar Flat Huts with our kiddo

Kupkin returned to New Zealand after spending a few months tramping and cycling around Europe. I couldn’t think of a better option for where to go than Cedar Flat Huts. It’s one of the most…