
My favourite 10 hikes of 2019

And here we are again. 2019 is gone and I’m about to look back. I don’t look back very often, I’m trying to enjoy the present, leave the past at rest and be excited about the future.

Why Hiking Alone is Good

Hiking alone is a powerful experience and I wish everyone would go for it on regular basis. And I’m not talking about a few hours in a local park. I’m talking about a multi-day hike when you see nothing but forest, hear nothing but birds and when the stars shine so much that you can’t sleep at night.

My favourite 10 hikes of 2018

It’s time to think about this past year and what it has meant for me as a hiker. Just for a bit though as what’s done is done, and what’s to come is in the stars.

My Hiking Fail

I’m starting to realize that most people who consider themselves hikers will have been on at least one hike where everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. We can look at these experiences as opportunities to learn and prevent the same situations from occurring again. Or, we can see them as opportunities for character building. Or, as in my case at the time, we can have an identity crisis and start to over-think whether we really are hikers or just closet nanas.

My favourite 10 camps of 2017

I have told you about my 10 favourite hikes of 2017, now it’s time to sum up my favourite 10 camps! The year 2017 was an epic hiking year for me so there was a lot to choose from. What is kind of tricky, is that I often stealth camped, which naturally means setting up a camp after the dusk, dead tired

My favourite 10 hikes of 2017

I don’t know how it happened, but 2017 is gone. Man. This year was an epic year for hiking. I spent a month hiking around Iceland and I did some beautiful hikes in France, Germany,…

Why Rock Stacking Hurts the Wilderness

People have been marking their trails by stacking rock into piles for thousands of years. The reason is simple: it’s the easiest accessible material and it can last for ages, literally. Even now you can meet rock cairns all over the world from Himalayas to Iceland, and they genuinely can help people with navigation through wilderness.