mt somers

Snowy Mt Somers in the summer

The original plan was to go to Mt Bruce. I was checking the weather during the week and it slowly deteriorated. Even on Saturday night, it was looking acceptable but then when I woke up…

Mt Winterslow via Duke Knob

The original plan was to take on Mt Olympus. However, this mountain is on private land and recent floods damaged the access road so permissions to access Mt Olympus are scarce now. In the morning at the petro station, we decided that Mt Winterslow makes for a suitable backup.

Woolshed Creek Hut: Our First Overnight with the Baby

After our first day trip to Packhorse Hut, we felt like we knew the basics and were ready to try an overnighter. I still think that the most difficult part of the whole “going tramping with a 10 week old” is the planning stage. A cloth? How many? Clothes? How many? A blanket? How big? Wool or polar fleece?

Mt Somers Loop Track via Pinnacles Hut

As I don’t work Mondays, I decided to organize some Monday trips. The first one was to Mt Somers with only one brave participant, Heidi. We started off at Sharplin Falls Reserve and followed a well marked trail to the start of Mt Somers Summit Track. From there, a steep section of unstable rocks followed.