Tramping with Anna

Lake Daniell with 3 years old

Finally, all the ducks lined up, and my little family took on a challenge: walking to Lake Daniell / Kōhanga Atawhai – Manson Nicholls Hut. It was me, my partner Anna, our 3-year-old son Elliot,…

Nina Valley Campsite with kids

We had originally planned to go to Nina Hut, but, you know, when you walk with kids, you need to be flexible. We started at Palmer Lodge, and it soon became clear that this was…

Cedar Flat Huts with our kiddo

Kupkin returned to New Zealand after spending a few months tramping and cycling around Europe. I couldn’t think of a better option for where to go than Cedar Flat Huts. It’s one of the most…

Packhorse Hut with a newborn

As fresh parents, everything is still very new to us but we thought that we’d done enough reading and short trips that it was time to tackle the first wee tramp with our little man.

Camping at Mt Faust, Lewis Pass

We were craving adventure after spending so many weeks in lockdown! The first weekend showed promising weather, so Sebastian, Anna, and I drove to Boyle Village. We parked our car at a St James car…