Tramping with Elliot (3 years old)

Lake Daniell with 3 years old

Finally, all the ducks lined up, and my little family took on a challenge: walking to Lake Daniell / Kōhanga Atawhai – Manson Nicholls Hut. It was me, my partner Anna, our 3-year-old son Elliot,…

Nina Valley Campsite with kids

We had originally planned to go to Nina Hut, but, you know, when you walk with kids, you need to be flexible. We started at Palmer Lodge, and it soon became clear that this was…

Packhorse hut with 3 years old

I think this may have been the 4th time for Elliot at Packhorse Hut. It’s hard to tell if he remembers the previous times. This time we had the company of another toddler: Adrian, the…

Family walk to Mt Sugarloaf

This was our fourth tramp for kids and the last day trip for kids in 2023. This wee adventure attracted 13 adults and 14 kids of very young age, typically between 2 and 6 years….