Packhorse hut with 3 years old
I think this may have been the 4th time for Elliot at Packhorse Hut. It’s hard to tell if he remembers the previous times. This time we had the company of another toddler: Adrian, the…
I think this may have been the 4th time for Elliot at Packhorse Hut. It’s hard to tell if he remembers the previous times. This time we had the company of another toddler: Adrian, the…
Kirwans Hut is probably one of the fanciest huts on the West Coast. It’s located in an area that has been extensively mined. Even the track to the hut was originally built for mining purposes! 6 CTC trampers started off with the intention to reach the hut and hope to not get rained on too much. After having some photography fun at Topffer Creek bridge, we followed Topffer Creek on a very obvious and wide track. We soon split into 2 parties – one was fast, the other one was extra fast.
Anna and I set off quite late. It was around 12PM when we left Christchurch and around 2pm when we arrived at Greyneys Shelter by SH73. We left some chips in the car to welcome us on our return, and off we went up Mingha River.
I can’t remember the last time I went for a hike with my mum. It must have been over 20 years ago. And here we are – my mum, Alena, my sister, Nela, a family friend Liba and myself, all standing by a car at White Horse Hill Campsite in Aoraki National Park, ready to climb a thousand vertical meters to Mueller Hut.
Gowlland Tod Provincial Park is a hidden treasure, sitting unassumingly on the SE coast of Saanich Inlet. It’s relatively easy to get there by public transport but quiet and forgotten when compared to Goldstream which attracts carloads of tourists.