port hills

Port Hills ramble: 1000m ascent, please

The Sunday weather forecast wasn’t favorable for any other parts of the South Island but Christchurch. Well, we’re very lucky that on days like these we have this beautiful sanctuary of ours, Port Hills. The…

Port Hills Walking Marathon: Lyttelton to Lyttelton

Last year I co-organised the Godley to Gebbies walk in the Port Hills which was 36 km long. This year I thought I might push it a bit further, so I came up with the idea of meeting at Lyttelton, taking a ferry across to Diamond Harbour and walking back to Lyttelton over Mt Herbert, Packhorse Hut and Gebbies Pass.

Godley to Gebbies: Traverse of the Port Hills

The Port Hills are the closest hills to Christchurch and I’d been thinking about traversing them since I first moved to the city. One day in July I asked Emma if she’d be keen to co-lead this trip as we would need 2 cars, and I knew that Emma was used to running trips like this before breakfast. She enthusiastically agreed – though at the time we had no idea that 30 trampers would sign up for the trip!