It’s been a while since I’ve been on an Easy/Moderate trip, but when Mike Newlove led his trip to Otepatotu Reserve through private land, I couldn’t resist. In general, the CTC provides great opportunities to venture onto private land where it would never even occur to me that I could walk! We started off at the end of Tizzards Road. The first part of the track involved following a farm track to Summit Road, which we then followed to the bottom of Otepatotu Reserve, where there is a small carpark with benches and a toilet, and where we took our first break. I soon got to know a few people and realised that out of about 15 prospective members, nearly all were younger than me – a great thing to see! Many of them seemed eager for moderate snowless day trips, which the club doesn’t currently offer, so I started planning in my head where I’m going to lead my next CTC trip.
Anyway, from the bottom of Otepatotu Reserve, we ventured up to Lavericks Peak (755m), where we took yet another break. What a fun day full of breaks! From there, we rolled down through farmland to the end of Robinsons Bay Valley Road, which we followed all the way back to our cars.
It was a really nice, easy-going day out that still gave us a decent amount of exercise. I think that I’ll join Easy/Moderate trips more often.
Stats: 12.7 km, 5 h 15 min, 770 m ascent. The route taken on NZ Topo Map.
Participants: Michael Newlove (leader), Michal Klajban (scribe, GPX, photos), John Kerkhofs, Helen Ryan, Dominic Brosnahan, Wendy Peto, Lee Peto, Troy George, Janey Purvis, Oscar Frith MacDonald, Victoria Schonwald, Shana Dooley, Ryan Ross, Jenny May, Tai Lees, Louise Klingen, Georgina Rout, Judy van Wyk, Timothy Lawrence, Igreta Sinanaj, Chris Freear, Alan Ross, Mark Anderson, Juliette Lee, Aaron Hunter, Susan Hsieh, Rebecca Wood, Christopher Pedley, Jonathan Carr
Tramped on 28th September 2024.

Max elevation: 746 m
Min elevation: 38 m
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