Hike report

Hut bagging in Oteake Conservation Park

We met in Naseby and drove along Mt Buster Road until we arrived at a river crossing that I decided was too much for my small 2WD car. Soon we arrived at Little Kyeburn Huts,…

Pudding Hill Stream Route

The track starts at Awa Awa Rata Reserve. From there, we followed a well-marked and well-established track to a steep side of the Mount Hutt Range. The bush up there is quite lovely. Soon, we…

The pipeline with the little people

This was the first club trip for kids with an age limit. I’d like to believe that all kids should be welcome on our family-friendly trips, but I have to acknowledge the tremendous difference in…

Lake Daniell with 3 years old

Finally, all the ducks lined up, and my little family took on a challenge: walking to Lake Daniell / Kōhanga Atawhai – Manson Nicholls Hut. It was me, my partner Anna, our 3-year-old son Elliot,…