Canterbury Foothills

Castle Hill Peak, summer 2023

We left Christchurch at 7 AM which seemed appropriate on a hot summer day. Andrew showed up with a 7-seater which wasn’t a bad fit for 7 trampers! Thanks, Andrew, you made the trip very…

Fullmoon trip to Foggy Peak

As I quite enjoy night tramping, it was only a matter of time to start looking to extend my summer night tramping experience to winter. The most accessible option to start seemed to be Foggy…

Mt Oxford

The weather forecast wasn’t favourable. Southerly was supposed to hit us after lunchtime so I thought that a trip to Mt Oxford was ambitious enough for the day. There were 7 of us. We drove…

Hamilton Peak via Camp Saddle

Hamilton Peak is a lovely 1922m tall mountain in the Craigieburn area. Considering its height, the peak is quite easily accessible from various directions.This was the first CTC trip led by our young and enthusiastic…

Mt Winterslow via Duke Knob

The original plan was to take on Mt Olympus. However, this mountain is on private land and recent floods damaged the access road so permissions to access Mt Olympus are scarce now. In the morning at the petro station, we decided that Mt Winterslow makes for a suitable backup.